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Kansikuva Lataa Calameo eBook Kuvaus
Connectors and Fasteners for CLT Structures In our new CLT catalog, we guide you to find the optimal fastening solution for your CLT applications. The catalog also contains a range of new high-strength connectors which have been developed specifically for CLT constructions. In addition, there is a large section on screws including technical information on how to calculate the performance of the screws.
Premium Fasteners 2023 In our new European fastener catalogue you get an overview of our European range of Simpson Strong-Tie fasteners and the Quik Drive systems.
Structural Fasteners Technical Guide In this technical guide you will find general information, characteristic parameters as well as load capacities for C24 solid timber, GL24h glulam, CLT, steel to wood and boards to wood, for our Solid-Drive range of structural fasteners.
Kansikuva Lataa Calameo eBook Kuvaus
Deck Connection and Fastening Guide
Design Series - Originals Collection FI
Design Series F-DESIGN SERIES-FI-2022
Fasteners for Connectors
Quik Drive Solutions FI
Rakennuskiinnikkeet ulkokäyttöön - ZPRO ja RST
Solid-Drive Fasteners Solid-Drive fasteners make the jobs of engineers and builders easier. Their high-performance design increases your allowable loads while speeding installation — lowering labor and materials costs. Our ETA documentation gives engineers higher safety and flexibily in their specification of wood structures and includes thorough documentation of CLT, LVL and rafter insulation fastening.
QD adaptors overview
Kansikuva Lataa Calameo eBook Kuvaus
QD adaptors overview   2022 ENGLISH


Simpson Strong-Tie Ruotsi

Simpson Strong-Tie / Gbo Fastening Systems AB

Bruksvägen 2
59375 Gunnebo